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martes, 30 de junio de 2009

ChickenFoot Cancelado

Se ha producido un echo inesperado para todos los amantes que estabamos esperando ver descargar decibelios a la banda de Satriany,Hagar y compañia ChickenFoot. El bateria Chad Smith se ha lesionado un brazo durante la pasada actuación en Paris. Lamentablemente no podran tocar en el Palacio de los Deportes y han cancelado su action. En la nota de prensa enviada a los medios comentan que ya estan trabajando para concretar nueva fecha, esperemos que se recupere pronto Chad Smith y podamos verles actuar muy pronto.


Chickenfoot We are sorry to inform our Spanish fans that Chickenfoot cannot perform tomorrow night in Madrid due to a serious injury to drummer Chad Smith. Chad was performing on stage last night in Paris & during the show he hurt his right arm badly. He has torn his small bicep and cannot play the show Weds July 1st. The band is very sorry they cannot play for their Spanish fans this week and plan to return as soon as possible.

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